Below are some important and useful information for new company directors to take note of.


Corppass is a corporate digital identity for businesses to transact with government agencies online.

After the incorporation of your company, visit the Corppass website to set up and manage your company’s Corppass account and grant the necessary access to selected employees. The authorised employees can use their individual Singpass accounts to login to Bizfile to transact with ACRA on behalf of the company.

Corppass is managed by the Government Technology Agency (GovTech). If you encounter any issues with your Corppass account, you can contact their support team.

Free Business Profile for Newly Incorporated Companies

All newly incorporated companies will receive a free Business Profile. This profile is an electronic report containing details about your company. The person lodging the application to incorporate the company will receive a link to download the free Business Profile.

Business Profiles may be used by potential customers, suppliers and business partners for background checks. For more business insights, members of the public can also purchase a suite of other information products relating to entities and their position holders for a small fee.

Find out more about buying business information from ACRA.

Buy information products in Bizfile

Useful Business Related Services

As part of our pro-enterprise and one-stop business facilitation initiative, ACRA has worked with various parties to provide useful business related services for newly registered business entities (e.g. opening a corporate bank account, activating a customs account). These business-related services are available online via Bizfile.

Find out more about our one-stop business facilitation services.

ACRA API Marketplace – empower your digital solutions with ACRA APIs

Companies dealing with business and financial data can explore our application programming interface (API) services through ACRA’s API Marketplace. Sign up for a paid subscription to our Entity Information Query or Financial Information Query to allow your business applications to automatically retrieve entity information from ACRA’s live databases.

Find out more about ACRA's API Marketplace services

Option to Register a Contact Address

For corporate transparency purposes and to allow the public and other stakeholders to identify the persons behind the business, some information on company officers such as identification number, date of appointment and residential address is accessible from ACRA’s public records.

If you prefer not to reveal your residential address in our public records, you can register for a contact address at the point of incorporation or at any other time. The contact address must be an address where you can be contacted (e.g. your office, your corporate service provider’s office, etc.), and must be within the same jurisdiction as the residential address. It cannot be a P.O. Box address. Once you have registered a contact address, it will be displayed in ACRA’s public records instead of your residential address. However, all official correspondences from ACRA will continue to be sent to the residential address.

There are no fees for the filing of contact address. Filing of contact addresses are mandatory.

Membership with Singapore Business Federation (SBF)

Under the SBF Act, all local or foreign companies (registered under the Companies Act) with a total paid up/authorised share capital of S$0.5 million and above become statutory members of SBF. If your company meets this criteria, SBF will notify you of your company’s membership.

Find out more about the Singapore Business Federation.


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