You can apply for an Extension of Time (EOT) of up to 60 days, if you need to delay holding the AGM or filing the Annual Return (AR).
An EOT application can be made by a VCC officer (e.g. VCC secretary or director), or by a professional firm on behalf of your VCC.
The fee for each successful application is $200 for EOT on AGM and $200 for EOT on AR. Follow the steps below to apply:
Step 1: Login to ACRA’s online VCC Registration and Filing Portal
Step 2: Under “eServices”, select “Extension of Time”, then click on “Next”.
Step 3: Click on “Search”, then search for the VCC that the Extension of Time is to be applied for.
Step 4: Select AR or/and AGM to apply for Extension of Time.
Step 5: Provide the reasons for application. Listed entities must attach any supporting documents, including any comments by SGX on the application.
Step 6: Ensure that the transaction is completed, following payment of the application fee of $200 per requested section. A confirmation email will be sent to the applicant.
How soon must you apply for EOT?
You must make the EOT application at least 14 days before your AGM/annual return deadline. Please note that the fee for each successful application is $200 for EOT on AGM and $200 for EOT on AR.