Companies that opt to voluntarily prepare financial statements in XBRL format based on the revised XBRL filing requirements will use the new version of BizFinx Preparation Tool (version 3.4.1).
Download BizFinx Preparation Tool v3.4.1 (ZIP, 242.0MB). By downloading BizFinx Preparation Tool, you agree to the terms and conditions.
BizFinx Preparation Tool V3.4.1 (revised XBRL filing requirements)
Supported system requirements
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Hardware requirements |
Processor | - Intel Core i3 or above
- Non-Intel Processor @ 2.0 GHz or above
RAM | - 64-bit Windows: 4GB or more (recommended: 8GB)
Note: To check whether your Microsoft Windows are using 32-bit version or 64-bit version, please refer to |
Disk space needed | - 1.2GB for installation and normal usage
Note: The installation file can be deleted after you have finished installation, to free up disk space. |
Screen resolution | |
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Software requirements |
Operating System | - Microsoft Windows 8.1
- Microsoft Windows 10 (Version 1607) and above
- Microsoft Windows 11
Notes - We will provide technical issues support for the tool running the support versions of Microsoft Windows listed above.
- To check the version of your Microsoft Windows, please refer to
Microsoft Office | - Office 2013 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional, Professional Plus)
- Office 2016 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional, Professional Plus)
- Office 2019 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional, Professional Plus)
- Office 2021 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional)
- Office 365 (Personal, Home, Business, Business Premium)*
* Unsupported versions of Office 365 (Business Essentials, Office 365 Online)
Notes - We will provide technical issues support for the tool running the support versions of Microsoft Windows listed above.
- To check the version of your Microsoft Office, please refer to
Microsoft .NET Framework | Note: To download this version of .NET Framework, please refer to |
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BizFinx Multi-Upload Tool
This tool allows companies to upload one or more XBRL FS to the BizFinx server. Prior to using BizFinx Multi-Upload Tool, companies must prepare their XBRL FS using other application programs, such as BizFinx Preparation Tool. To download version 3.4 of BizFinx Multi-Upload Tool,
By downloading BizFinx Multi-Upload Tool, you agree to the terms and conditions.
Supported system requirements
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Hardware requirements |
Processor | - Intel Core i3 or above
- Non-Intel Processor @ 2.0 GHz or above
RAM | - 64-bit Windows: 4GB or more (recommended: 8GB)
Note: To check whether your Microsoft Windows are using 32-bit version or 64-bit version, please refer to
Disk space needed | |
Screen resolution | |
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BizFinx Preparation Tool V2.9.1 (For NOE filing)
Companies rectifying errors in XBRL FS prepared using earlier version of BizFinx Preparation Tool (version 2.7 and below), can make use of the updated version 2.9.1 of BizFinx Preparation Tool.
Download BizFinx Preparation Tool v2.9.1 (ZIP, 240.4MB). By downloading BizFinx Preparation Tool, you agree to the terms and conditions.
Supported system requirements
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Hardware requirements |
Processor | - Intel Core i3 or above
- Non-Intel Processor @ 2.0 GHz or above
RAM | - 64-bit Windows: 4GB or more (recommended: 8GB)
Note: To check whether your Microsoft Windows are using 32-bit version or 64-bit version, please refer to
Disk space needed | |
Screen resolution | |
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Drag table left/right to view more
Software requirements |
Operating System | - Microsoft Windows 8.1
- Microsoft Windows 10 (Version 1607) and above
- Microsoft Windows 11
Notes - We will provide technical issues support for the tool running the support versions of Microsoft Windows listed above.
- To check the version of your Microsoft Windows, please refer to
Microsoft Office | - Office 2013 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional, Professional Plus)
- Office 2016 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional, Professional Plus)
- Office 2019 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional, Professional Plus)
- Office 2021 (Standard, Home and Business, Professional)
- Office 365 (Personal, Home, Business, Business Premium)*
* Unsupported versions of Office 365 (Business Essentials, Office 365 Online)
Notes - We will provide technical issues support for the tool running the support versions of Microsoft Windows listed above.
- To check the version of your Microsoft Office, please refer to
Microsoft .NET Framework | Note: To download this version of .NET Framework, please refer to |
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How to check version of software used to generate your XBRL file
To check your Preparation Tool version, go to the "Filing Information" tab and look under "Details of XBRL file."