The Essentials of Starting a Business (ESB) is a free online course developed by ACRA to provide aspiring entrepreneurs with all the essential information they need for starting a business in Singapore.
Consisting of 8 bite-sized modules that take only 2 hours to complete, topics include business registration requirements, tax obligations, CPF matters, government grants and loans, and how to protect customers’ data. The ESB was developed by ACRA with support from the following government agencies and organisations:
- Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore
- Central Provident Fund Board
- Personal Data Protection Commission of Singapore
- SME Centre
- Association of Small & Medium Enterprises
Topics Covered
- Why register your business with ACRA?
- Types of Business Entities in Singapore
- Business Licences
- Government Grants and Loans
- Fundamentals of Finance
- SMECEN – integrated software solution for businesses
- Filing Tax Returns
- Goods and Services Tax
- CPF Contributions for yourself and your staff
- Personal Data Protection Act
Accessible via desktop, tablet and mobile, the ESB is ideal for those thinking of setting up a business or have recently set up a business. All you need is an email address to get started. The programme even keeps track of your learning progress and allows you to continue from where you left off.
- Register for the course via ACRA Academy eLearning Portal.