Raising the Bar of Financial Reporting - ACRA’s 4th
Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme Report
ACRA issued its 4th Financial Reporting Surveillance Programme
(FRSP) report, which noted that knowledge gap, insufficient
due diligence and lack of action taken on issues raised by
auditors were the main root causes contributing to material
non-compliances with accounting standards. The material
non-compliances were in areas such as business valuations,
impairment assessments, presentation in cash flow statement,
consolidation, and equity accounting.
Common Financial Reporting Pitfalls and Areas of
Review Focus for FY2022 Financial Statements
At the opening address for the 9th Audit and Risk Committee
Seminar held on 11 January 2023, ACRA Chief Executive, Mr
Ong Khiaw Hong spoke about the need to consider issues
related to sustainability to a company’s business and financial
reporting. He also highlighted ACRA’s initiative to increase the
transparency of audit inspection findings to help audit
committees oversee their auditors.
Consultations on the Implementation of a Sustainability Reporting Roadmap
The Sustainability Reporting Advisory Committee (SRAC), a
committee set-up by ACRA and SGX Regco recently conducted
several consultations with companies, professional service
providers, professional bodies and financial institutions, to
obtain feedback on preliminary proposals to implement a
sustainability reporting roadmap for companies in Singapore.
The consultation sessions saw robust discussions on a broad
range of topics such as the scope of companies for mandatory
reporting, reporting standards to be applied, the need for
assurance for sustainability reporting, legal responsibilities of
stakeholders and the implementation timeline.
The SRAC will be issuing its recommendations for a public
consultation later this year.
e-Newsletter for professional stakeholders
This e-newsletter is intended for general information only and should not be treated as a substitute for specific professional advice for any particular situation.While we
endeavour to ensure the contents are correct to the best of our knowledge and belief at the time of writing, we do not warrant their accuracy or completeness nor accept any responsibility for any loss or damage arising from any
reliance on them.