The latest version 2.2.0 of BizFinx preparation tool, which has incorporated bug fixes and enhancements, is available for download from BizFinx website.  Preparers may continue to use the existing preparation tool version of 2.1.0, or change to the new version 2.2.0 for the bug fixes and enhancements.

All Excel / files prepared using earlier versions of the preparation tool can be opened and edited in the latest version of the preparation tool, and this should not result in any loss of data. To update your existing preparation tool v2.1.0 to the latest version, please connect your computer to the internet and click on “Application Updates” at the Introduction page of the preparation tool.

Click here (PDF, 199KB) for a list of the changes made to the latest version 2.2.0 of the preparation tool.

Note: BizFinx preparation tool is an offline software application provided by ACRA free of charge, for companies to prepare XBRL financial statements in accordance with the revised XBRL filing requirements. The new BizFinx filing system replaces the old FS Manager, which was phased out with effect from 1 March 2014.

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