It has come to ACRA’s attention that the entity previously known as “Company Register Pte Ltd” which has subsequently changed its name to “Data Register Pte Ltd” in Dec 2013; has emailed or written to companies that had earlier provided company information to them, to seek payment for subscription services.
ACRA has been in the process of investigating this company to see if any criminal offence has been committed, and will take all necessary enforcement action should any offence be revealed.
We would like to emphasise that ACRA has no links whatsoever with this entity. Companies are also not obliged to provide company information to Data Register/Company Register Pte Ltd. Companies which need to update their records with ACRA, should do so through Bizfile, ACRA’s online filing and information retrieval system, at Under normal circumstances, ACRA will not approach companies seeking payment via email or letter. Most companies transact with ACRA and make online payments via Bizfile. If in doubt, companies can contact ACRA at: 62486028 or
Please click here for the previous public alert on this company.