Companies with financial year ending on or after 31 August 2018

With effect from December 2019, companies will be able to file their annual returns with greater ease as most of the information is pre-filled in the annual return form. The filer only needs to review the pre-filled information which was based on their previous annual return filing to ensure that it is still relevant for the current Annual Return.

The user interface for the Annual Return has also been enhanced to ease the filing.

Follow the steps below to file an annual return:

Step 1: Go to Bizfile.

Step 2: Proceed to file via the "File annual returns" eService.

Step 3: Select "Annual Return by Local Company (For FYE from 31 August 2018)".

Companies with financial year ending before 31 August 2018

To file an annual return with FYE before 31 August 2018, follow Steps 1 and 2 above.

Step 3: Select "Annual Return by Local Company (For FYE before 31 August 2018)".

Companies can also use third party software solutions that ACRA has developed with software vendors, to automate the preparation and filing of Annual Return as well as Financial Statements (in Simplified XBRL format) with ACRA. The software automatically generates the annual returns and is linked to ACRA’s Bizfile portal via APIs, enabling companies to file annual returns without the need to log in to Bizfile portal. Click here for details on the seamless filing solution.

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