Filing Agent

A filing agent is a person or entity who, in the course of their business, carries out transactions with the Registrar on behalf of another person (such as a customer). These transactions are typically conducted using the electronic transaction system or, when this system is unavailable, via any other means permitted by the Registrar. 

General requirements for being a registered filing agent

The person must:
  • Be a business entity registered with ACRA (i.e., an incorporated company, registered business, registered limited liability partnership, or registered limited partnership);
  • Act by or through at least one registered qualified individual. For example, the person may:
    • Be a registered qualified individual themselves,
    • Have at least one partner who is a registered qualified individual, or
    • Employ or engage at least one registered qualified individual;
  • Be a fit and proper person, or show that their directors, partners, or persons directly or indirectly involved in the management are fit and proper;
  • Have attended the mandatory AML/CFT course and passed the proficiency test at least once every two years; and
  • If applicable, ensure that not less than two years have elapsed since the cancellation of their previous registration as a filing agent due to a sanction by ACRA. 

Qualified Individual

A qualified individual is an individual who satisfies such criteria as may be prescribed.

General requirements for being a registered qualified individual

The person must:

  • Meet the criteria of a "qualified individual" as defined in the ACRA (Filing Agents and Qualified Individuals) Regulations and submit the necessary supporting documents. Please refer to the table below for further details;          
  • Be a fit and proper person; and
  • If applicable, ensure that not less than two years have elapsed since the cancellation of their previous registration as a qualified individual due to a sanction by ACRA.  
Qualified Individuals Examples of supporting documents to be provided during the application process
An advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court of SingaporeA Practising Certificate issued by the Supreme Court of Singapore, or documentation confirming admission as an advocate and solicitor of the Supreme Court of Singapore.
A public accountant registered under the Accountants Act 2004Not required, as ACRA will verify the applicant's registration as a public accountant.
A member of the Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA)Certificate of membership with proof of latest membership (e.g., invoice and receipt).
A member of the Association of International Accountants (Singapore Branch)Certificate of membership with proof of latest membership (e.g., invoice and receipt).
A member of the Institute of Company Accountants, Singapore (ICAS)Certificate of membership with proof of latest membership (e.g., invoice and receipt).
A member of the Chartered Secretaries Institute of Singapore (CSIS)Certificate of membership with proof of latest membership (e.g., invoice and receipt).
 A corporate secretarial agent (i.e. a person who is carrying on the business of providing corporate secretarial services for one or more companies and has been doing so for at least 3 years in the preceding 5 years; and has been a secretary of a company for at least 3 years in the preceding 5 years)

(a) If you are the owner, partner, or director of the business providing corporate secretarial services, please provide:

(i) The UEN of the business if it is an existing Registered Filing Agent (RFA); or

(ii) Evidence of the corporate secretarial services provided, with the scope of service clearly stated, for the relevant period (i.e., 3 years out of the preceding 5 years). Examples of acceptable documentation include letters of engagement or invoices.

(b) If you are not the owner, partner, or director of the business providing corporate secretarial services, please provide:

(i) One of the following:

  • The UEN of the RFA you are currently employed by; or
  • The UEN of the RFA you intend to join; or
  • Evidence of the corporate secretarial services provided, with the scope of service clearly stated, for the relevant period (i.e., 3 years out of the preceding 5 years). Examples of acceptable documentation include letters of engagement or invoices; and

(ii) A letter from the owner, partner, or director of the business:

  • Detailing your role in the business;
  • Confirming that you have carried out the business of providing corporate secretarial services for the relevant period (i.e., 3 years out of the preceding 5 years); or
  • Confirming that you were an associated employee of the RFA for the relevant period; and
(iii) Your CPF payment records for the relevant period (i.e., 3 years out of the preceding 5 years) pertaining to the business.
To check the registration status of Filing Agents and Qualified Individuals, you may perform a search for business information in Bizfile.
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