
The Accountancy Workforce Review Committee (AWRC) was established with the objective of attracting and building a sustainable talent pipeline for the accountancy profession. In May 2024, the AWRC issued its recommendations focused on three key pillars, namely, heightening the appeal of accountancy career, increasing career accessibility, and developing future-ready professionals. 

Whilst numerous efforts to implement the AWRC recommendations are in place, fully achieving the AWRC recommendations necessitates a concerted endeavour and collaboration amongst stakeholders. The Implementation Committee for Accountancy Workforce Development (ICAWD) is hence established to bring industry stakeholders together to develop, execute and/or enhance the implementation of the AWRC recommendations.


The objectives of the ICAWD are as follows:

  1. Develop and execute initiatives to implement the AWRC recommendations to ensure good careers, create quality pathways and strengthen professional capabilities; 
  2. Develop and implement outreach efforts to enhance perceptions of the accountancy profession; and 
  3. Develop and implement any other relevant initiatives to build a sustainable talent pipeline for the accountancy profession.

The ICAWD are co-chaired by Chief Executive, ACRA and President, ISCA and comprise of representatives from the following stakeholder groups:

a) Accounting Entities (e.g. Big Four accounting firms, Small and Medium-sized Practices);
b) Corporate entities (e.g. in-house Accounting and Finance functions / company directorship association representatives); and
c) Institutes of Higher Learning (e.g. Autonomous Universities, Polytechnics).



Mrs Chia-Tern Huey Min (Co-Chair)
Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority, Chief Executive


Mr Teo Ser Luck (Co-Chair)
Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants, President


Mr Yang Chi Chih
Deloitte Singapore, Audit & Assurance Leader


Ms Shelley Chan
KPMG Singapore, Audit Partner


Mr Derek How
RSM Singapore, Partner and Head, CPA Practice


Mr Lee Eng Kian
PKF-CAP Singapore, Managing Partner and Head of Audit and Assurance


Ms Lisa Liew
Philip Liew & Co, Managing Partner


A/P Premila Gowri Shankar
Nanyang Technological University, Head of Division of Accounting, Nanyang Business School


Dr. Gary Pan
Singapore Management University, Professor of Accounting (Education); Associate Dean (Undergraduate Admissions and Student Development); Academic Director (Lifelong Learning); Academic Director, Industry Practice Masters (IPM)


A/P Koh Sze Kee
Singapore Institute of Technology, Cluster Director, Business, Communication and Design


Mr William Lim,
Ngee Ann Polytechnic, School of Business & Accountancy, Director


Mr Lim Him Chuan
DBS Bank, Group Head of Strategy, Transformation, Analytics & Research


Mr Mo Hongrui
Met Asia Energy, Chief Financial Officer


Mr Terence Quek
Singapore Institute of Directors, Chief Executive Officer

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